Pela reactivação das ligações fluviais margem Sul - Parque das Nações

"Na sequência da reformulação da mobilidade no Parque das Nações, os peticionários requerem às entidades competentes, em particular:
Autoridade Metropolitana dos Transportes
Parque Expo
Câmara Municipal de Lisboa
Câmara Municipal de Almada
Câmara Municipal do Montijo
Câmara Municipal do Seixal
Câmara Municipal do Barreiro

Pela reactivação das ligações fluviais margem Sul - Parque das Nações

De 1998 até 2002 a Transtejo/Soflusa operou transporte fluvial de passageiros dos municípios da margem Sul do Tejo directamente até ao Parque das Nações, tendo fechado estas linhas por alegada falta de procura.

Com o aumento em muitas ordens de grandeza de número de postos de trabalho nesta zona (note-se que é a zona de Lisboa em que o número de postos de trabalho mais tem aumentado desde 2002), assistimos hoje a uma sobrelotação e exponencial aumento da frequência das carreiras 782 e 28 da Carris que transportam passageiros chegados da margem Sul do Tejo ao terminal fluvial do Terreiro do Paço. A acrescer a estes, há todos aqueles que escolhem a opção de transporte individual.

Somos de opinião de que nada descongestionaria e melhoraria mais a rede viária da grande Lisboa em geral e do Parque das Nações em particular do que a re-abertura de linhas de transporte colectivo fluvial desde a margem Sul residencial à zona laboral do Parque. Para mais, isto implicaria uma significativa melhoria da qualidade de vida dos milhares de trabalhadores do Parque das Nações residentes na margem Sul do rio Tejo.

A nossa recomendação mais veemente é pois que Vossas Excelências, em conjunto com as outras entidades a quem o assunto respeita, estudem convictamente a reabertura de tais canais de transporte.

Atenciosamente, os signatários."

30 de Outubro, 2009: Massa Crítica - BICICLETADA

"Bicicletadas / Massas Críticas
Sexta-feira, 31/07/2009 - 18:00 - 20:30

* Lisboa - Encontro: Marquês Pombal, no início do Parque Eduardo VII

...Há alguma variedade na hora de início das bicicletadas pois, para além do mais, espera-se sempre cerca de meia hora pela chegada de mais participantes...

Aparece e traz amigas/os."

Fonte e Imagem:

Green spaces 'improve health'

"The best health benefits come from living less than a kilometre (0.62miles) from a green space

There is more evidence that living near a 'green space' has health benefits.

Research in the Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health says the impact is particularly noticeable in reducing rates of mental ill health.

The annual rates of 15 out of 24 major physical diseases were also significantly lower among those living closer to green spaces.

One environmental expert said the study confirmed that green spaces create 'oases' of improved health around them.

The researchers from the VU University Medical Centre in Amsterdam looked at the health records of 350,000 people registered with 195 family doctors across the Netherlands.

Only people who had been registered with their GP for longer than 12 months were included because the study assumed this was the minimum amount of time people would have to live in an environment before any effect of it would be noticeable.

Health impact
The percentages of green space within a one and three kilometre (0.62 and 1.86 miles) radius of their home were calculated using their postcode.

On average, green space accounted for 42% of the residential area within one kilometre (0.62 miles) radius and almost 61% within a three kilometre (1.86 miles) radius of people's homes.

And the annual rates for 24 diseases in 7 different categories were calculated.

The health benefits for most of the diseases were only seen when the greenery was within a one kilometre ( 0.62 miles ) radius of the home.

The exceptions to this were anxiety disorders, infectious diseases of the digestive system and medically unexplained physical symptoms which were seen to benefit even when the green spaces were within three kilometres of the home.

The biggest impact was on anxiety disorders and depression.

Anxiety disorders
The annual prevalence of anxiety disorders for those living in a residential area containing 10% of green space within a one kilometre (0.62 miles) radius of their home was 26 per 1000 whereas for those living in an area containing 90% of green space it was 18 per 1000.

For depression the rates were 32 per 1000 for the people in the more built up areas and 24 per 1000 for those in the greener areas.

The researchers also showed that this relation was strongest for children younger than 12.

They were 21% less likely to suffer from depression in the greener areas.

Two unexpected findings were that the greener spaces did not show benefits for high blood pressure and that the relation appeared stronger for people aged 46 to 65 than for the elderly.

The researchers think the green spaces help recovery from stress and offer greater opportunities for social contacts.

They say the free physical exercise and better air quality could also contribute.

Dr Jolanda Maas of the VU University Medical Centre in Amsterdam, said: "It clearly shows that green spaces are not just a luxury but they relate directly to diseases and the way people feel in their living environments."

"Most of the diseases which are related to green spaces are diseases which are highly prevalent and costly to treat so policy makers need to realise that this is something they may be able to diminish with green spaces."

Professor Barbara Maher of the Lancaster Environment Centre said the study confirmed that green spaces create oases of improved health around them especially for children.

She said: "At least part of this 'oasis' effect probably reflects changes in air quality.

"Anything that reduces our exposure to the modern-day 'cocktail' of atmospheric pollutants has got to be a good thing."

Coronary heart disease
Neck, shoulder, back, wrist and hand complaints
Depression and anxiety
Respiratory infections and asthma
Migraine and vertigo
Stomach bugs and urinary tract infections
Unexplained physical symptoms"


Movimento de Cidadãos organizou debate sobre problema do estacionamento em Lisboa

"O Movimento de Cidadãos - O Passeio Livre organizou, esta noite, um debate sobre o problema do estacionamento, propondo a colocação de autocolantes nos vidros dos automóveis transgressores. Neste debate participaram vários candidatos autárquicos de Lisboa."

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